*we were playing on the SR8 Only FFA mod server
*rip_winter was the map
*player name was *|sNo|Nigel! - I usually play as |NN|Nigel!
and as you may know, there are weapons -other than the sr8- hidden on the map. I take advantage of the hidden weapons, and kill other players. The admin "killerchris" was attempting to do the same thing, but I was killing him repeatedly before he could get to the hidden guns.
He proceeds to "!Kill" me (a kill command issued through B3 Bot) without stating a reason. He then says that "it's against the rules" and that was his reason for killing me. I tell him that it certainly cannot be against the rules (being that he was trying to do it too) and not to be gay about it. He then kills me again, right before banning me.
What is comes down to in my mind is that he was mad that he couldn't get to the guns too, because I was killing everyone. He !kill me out of rage, and had nothing to do with "server rules".
I play on Apple SR8 ALL the time. I do not deserve to be banned from the server. Check the logs.
Thank You for your time.